Peak Technologies Integrated Services Management
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Peak Technologies’ integrated services management (PRISM) portal allows customers to manage their product procurement (both rugged and consumer), break-fix service requirements, managed services needs and telecom expenses in one integrated portal. The easy to use portal also provides dashboards and reporting capabilities. Contact us to learn more.
Equipment Repair & Service Contracts
Equipment Repair
Ability to place break-fix service requests for both onsite and depot service. View open RMA/work orders to check status, monitor repair spare pool inventory. Ability to generate and schedule RMA/ work order history reports. Dashboard activity view of 6 months of RMA/work orders by total by type.

Repair Fault Analytics
Dashboard view of all equipment repair fault descriptions for past 6 months by fault type. Ability to generate and schedule reports on all faults to help determine common failures

Service Contracts
Ability to view summary of all Peak Technologies service contracts and specific contract details. Access to information on all equipment serial numbers under contract by location with contract start and end dates. Request changes to your contract. Ability to generate and schedule contract reports and obtain pdf copies of service contract. Dashboard view of current service contract status.

Online Product Catalog & Ordering
Product Catalog
Ability to view summary of all Peak Technologies service contracts and specific contract details. Access to information on all equipment serial numbers under contract by location with contract start and end dates. Request changes to your contract. Ability to generate and schedule contract reports and obtain pdf copies of service contract. Dashboard view of current service contract status.

Ability to generate and schedule invoice reports and obtain PDF copies of invoices. Dashboard Activity View for 6 months view by invoice type and total amount.

Asset Management
View all assets in Peak Technologies’ database for your account whether under a service contract and/ or purchased from Peak Technologies. Ability to get details by serial number. View Peak Technologies managed services spare pool inventory levels. Ability to generate and schedule asset reports.

Customer Administration
A master customer administrator can be set up with the ability to set up unlimited number of users, change passwords, set users purchase limits and permission levels.

Dashboard Charts
Prism offers a 6 month total activity chart dashboard for orders placed, purchase history by product, invoices by type, service contracts by type, Equipment Repair Activity by type and fault descriptions by type. This snapshot view presents valuable data with the ability to drill down for more details.

ManagedTel – Consumer Device Management
Ability to order consumer devices, carrier plans from a custom catalog. Ability to manage consumer devices, view purchase history, open orders, run reports.

Prism offers the ability to generate a wide range of reports by date range and specific data. Reports can be scheduled daily, weekly and monthly to be received via email to one or many individuals. Reports are formatted and exported into excel.

Telecom Expense Management
View details on your telecom expenses broken down by carrier and user. Manage your Telecom invoices and daily transactions affecting carrier services and devices. Ability to report on spend details.